At the time of the Lord's first coming, the scriptures tell us that the "church" world and world governments were unaware that He had even arrived (Matthew 2). It was not until the wise men came, asking questions, that they were made to know that the Messiah had come. Of course, the wise men had been looking and followed the signs!
Jesus, while teaching on the end of the age and His return, commanded "what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch" (Mark 13:37). We are to be watching - praying! If not, that day will catch us unaware. Paul commended the church in Thessalonica that they were not in darkness that the return of the Lord would catch them by surprise. Even reminding them to "let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober" (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6).
Of course, in every incident in the scriptures concerning the return of the Lord and the "endtime," we are given signs to look for. Whether that is the wars, famines, and earthquakes we read about in Matthew, Mark, and Luke -
or the rise of the antichrist and the great falling away that the apostle Paul describes in his writings -
or the entire endtime scene that John describes in the book of Revelation.
This does not even include the words given to us by the Lord through Daniel, Isaiah, Zechariah, and the other old testament prophets.
We are without excuse!
As the news headlines scream of Christ's soon coming - as they describe to us the path of the antichrist and his world system - as they reveal to us the last days scenario right before our eyes, are we paying attention?!?! Do we know what we are reading, seeing, hearing? As the end of days continue upon us, will we find ourselves in the role of Herod, the chief priests, and scribes who had no clue or like the wise men who watched - and came!!!
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